Unfrosted - Not Brought to You by Pop-Tarts
In 2024 Jerry Seinfeld made a movie
about Pop-Tarts without their permission.
Pop-Tarts had every legal right to sue him.
Instead, Pop-Tarts turned Jerry’s crime into the most anti-marketing piece of entertainment marketing to ever exist.
Our revenge was sweet.
We stole Jerry’s characters.
We stole Jerry’s career.
We stole Jerry’s show.
We stole Jerry’s props from Jerry’s movie.
And we stole Jerry’s spotlight on social and on the red carpet.
287,501,701 impressions by opening weekend.
+$15m incremental sales within 2 weeks.
Incremental sales are up 57.6% vs. ya.
17,000 sweepstakes entries in just first 48 hours.
Beat TikTok benchmark by +425%.
#1 netflix movie on launch weekend.
Client: Kellanova
Agency: Le Truc
Managing Director: Megan Bundy
Account Director: Jonathan Linton
Account Supervisor: Abigail O’Connor
Partner, CCO: Julia Neumann
ECD: Nick Kaplan
ACD, Art: Lisa Eri
ACD, Copy: Adam Van Dusen
Strategy Director: Jessie Chen
Strategy Director: Jared Grant
HoP: Ryan Chong
Producer: Taylor Nisbet
In partnership with Netflix